Lindsay Lohan Avoids Jail Time for Now

Lindsay Lohan faced the judge yesterday morning, but was 8 minutes late to the hearing, which the judge pointed out several times. Lindsay was lucky the hearing wasn’t yet to decide if she was going to jail, because the judge would have been so inclined after Lindsay’s repeated display of disrespect for the authority of the court, much like she behaves to the other authority figure in her life, her father.
The judge ordered Lindsay to start wearing the alcohol monitoring device called a SCRAM bracelet within 24 hours, to take random drug tests weekly, to attend alcohol education classes weekly, not three more to make up what she missed, but continued classes, the only time she can miss a class is if it conflicts with a random drug test, and the drug tests MUST BE DONE IN LOS ANGELES, and Lindsay cannot consume alcohol or drugs, or she’ll go to jail.
The hearing to determine if Lindsay violated her probation, and to determine if she will spend up to 180 days in jail, will be on July 6 at 0830. The judge told Lindsay to be on time this time, which is a warning that if she is not the judge will be in a sour mood.
My interpretation of the current ordered requirements for Lindsay to remain free on bail is this, if she complies with thoses requirements the judge might not throw her in jail, but may instead keep those requirements in place for another year of six months, only if Lindsay behaves, which I would think is going too easy on Lindsay after all the times she has thumbed her nose at the authority of the court, but it’s up to the judge.
During the hearing, see video below, Lindsay had her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley relay all sorts of excuses and lies to the judge to convince the judge she was too important to wear a SCRAM bracelet, and wanted to take more than one alcohol ed class per week to try to accelerate the classes, but the judge didn’t buy anymore of Lindsay’s lies, and added she had a 30 minute list she could read off as to why the requirements for Lindsay to remain free on bail were legally justified. Lindsay, after cosulting with her attorney for a minute, agreed to the terms and requirements.
The prosecutor asked to see proof that Lindsay had tickets to fly back to Los Angeles from Cannes, which her attorney provided, but could not offer definitive proof that Lindsay lost her passport, especially since she never contact police in Cannes. The judge and the prosecutor both conducted themselves with the assumption that everything Lindsay now says is a lie, because it is. One of Lindsay’s lies was to claim she couldn’t attend one of her alcohol education classes because she had to be in New York with her family because her mother’s brother died. When asked if Lindsay attended the funeral, her attorney answered "NO." Lindsay is a habitual liar, which the court is now aware of.
Lindsay lied again when she claimed she shouldn’t be required to wear the SCRAM bracelet because it would interfere with her movie filming in Texas. The producers for the two movies Lindsay is working on, Machete and Inferno, both said Lindsay has no filming requirements in Texas. Machete producers said they are filming some shots in Texas, but none require Lindsay, and Inferno said they are not filming at all in Texas, so once again Lindsay lied to the court.
Here is how Lindsay ended up in this predicament:
In July of 2007, Lindsay Lohan was charged with 2 DUIs, 2 counts of possession of cocaine, transporting a narcotic into a custodial facility, driving on a suspended license, drinking underage and fleeing the scene of an accident. Her BAL was .12 on the first DUI, .15 on the second. The legal limit is .08. She faced a total of 6 years in jail.
Instead she was placed on probation and ordered to complete a series of alcohol education classes. Which she did not do. And she was told to attend one class a week. But she didn’t do that either, and so she got an extension, and she didn’t do it that time either. And so the judge said, “well you’re in trouble now, you better finish it by May 19th!” And Lindsay didn’t do that either. Instead she went to France and got drunk. And the judge said, “Well then be in court on May 20th!” And Lindsay didn’t do that either. Instead she lied to the judge time and time again, often with the judge knowing full well Lindsay was lying.
On Sunday Lindsay made a video to explain why she didn’t show up for a court ordered probation violation hearing on Thursday (below). At the end of the video Lindsay says she couldn’t be at her brother’s graduation Monday because she has to be in court, and starts crying as if she is victim of the court’s cruelty, and not a victim of her own self destructive behavior.
I believe Lindsay deserves to serve the 180 days in jail, not just because she violated her probation, but also because she has not honored the agreement to keep her out of jail on probation, instead Lindsay continues to lie to the court, as if the court were her father. Lindsay needs an authority figure in her life, and unfortunately that authority needs to come from a court of law. If Lindsay is ordered to jail, it should further order that Lindsay cannot be released due to over crowding, or any other reason, unless approved by the court.
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