Abhishek Proud To Be A Gay Icon

Now that Dostana is has had phenomenal success at the box office worldwide, Abhishek Bachchan has no qualms in declaring that its a matter of pride for him that he is regarded as a Gay Icon by homosexuals.
He says, “I’m very happy with that. Why should I be surprised or shocked? I think homosexuals are as human as anyone else. It’s a matter of great pride if I’m their icon,” said Abhishek. Abhishek proudly declared his pairing with John as the Jodi of the Moment saying, “Other screen couples can go eat their hearts out.”
There were rumors that the Bachchan family didnt take Abhishek’s homosexual act very well. But Abhi clarifies,
“Why should he take offence? Not at all! The film is not about homosexuality. Dostana isn’t Brokeback Mountain. It was just a comedy. My whole family has thoroughly enjoyed it. Who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh? It’s a normal fun film. Aishwarya is very happy it’s a big hit…my second big hit of the year after Sarkar Raj.”
Ehem Ehem… Was Sarkar Raj a hit Mr.Bachchan?
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